Since 2000, O'Neill Pine Company's forest practices have been certified as well managed by the
Forest Stewardship Council
®. FSC certifies only forest operations that meet or exceed business, environmental, and social guidelines. Timber production, when managed effectively, maintains the long-term viability of commercial forests, protects bio-diversity, and provides a continuous stream of social and economic benefits.
O'Neill Pine Company is certified under Northwest Natural Resource Group, certification number SA-FM/COC-001394. Wood coming from OPC land may now bear the Forest Stewardship Council brand. The brand assures consumers the products they buy come from well-managed forests, independently certified in accordance with the rules of the FSC.
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization founded in 1993 to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. It is an association of members consisting of a diverse group of representatives from environmental and social groups, the timber trade and forestry profession, indigenous people's organizations, community forest groups, and forest product certification organizations from around the world.
Certification may be awarded only after a rigorous assessment of the company's forest management practices. The assessment is based on information obtained during visits to the company's office, forestry operations, and third party interviews conducted by certification assessors. To remain certified, participants must prove annually that they continue to meet established standards.
Read all about OPC's American Forest Foundation's American Tree Farm System certification by clicking
What is certified wood? Visit CertifiedWood.Biz
to learn more!
O'Neill Pine Company
PO Box 7
Salem, OR 97308
©2000-2025 O'Neill Pine Company