The O'Neill Pine Company is a small, family-owned timber company founded January 1, 1996. Company roots, however, trace back to October 10, 1946, when the family patriarch, Robert Harold O'Neill joined Allen Hemphill as co-partner in Hemphill Lumber Company. The new company became Hemphill-O'Neill. Harold O'Neill was an engineer by training with a passion for entrepreneurial activity that led him to own and operate a number of businesses throughout his lifetime. It was at age 57, in Hemphill-O'Neill, that he was able to build and leave a legacy to his descendants that they, too, could enjoy the passion of entrepreneurial efforts through the ownership and management of timberlands.
In 1950 Harold's son, Robert Hugh O'Neill, joined the company after graduating from Willamette University. The company expanded through the acquisition of Holman Lumber in 1962 and the purchase of the existing industrial site from the Owens family in 1976. The Professional Center was built in 1977, and in June of that same year Robert's children, Debra and Bob O'Neill Jr., went to work for Hemphill-O'Neill.
In 1981, the beloved patriarch and passionate entrepreneur, Robert Harold O'Neill, passed away at age 90.
The company continued to thrive under the leadership of Robert Hugh O'Neill. In 1985, stockholders seized the opportunity to buy out the Hemphill family. Debra O'Neill was elected to the Board of Directors in 1986. Debra's husband, Richard, was elected to the Board in 1991. In 1992, discussions were initiated on a corporate split-off that would allow Debra and her brother, Bob O'Neill Jr., the opportunity to continue their own individual companies, following the legacy created by their grandfather.
O'Neill Pine Company was created as a corporate split-off under a divisive D reorganization. On April 30, 1996, OPC recorded their first logging revenues. On January 1, 1998, a management agreement was reached with FPS, Inc., another family business, to help with OPC timberlands and manage real estate investments.
Today the O'Neill Pine Company continues the successful heritage of one person with a dream to own their own business. Currently, planning is underway for the opportunity to carry the company forward with the next generation through Debra and Richard Pine's children, Kylie and Kerry.