Helping individuals and organizations create no-cost charitable endowment funds and creatively encouraging charitable giving.
Welcome! We have a new look and a new way of doing charitable contributions you will like. You can start your very own no-cost charitable endowment fund and have control over where the earnings from that fund go to do some good. We call it the Acorn Plan. Have a look at what an Acorn Plan can do for you!
We also will have an array of online plans to help you with your charitable giving. Read these and then donate below...
Anonymous Giving
Here's your chance to give money to charities and not be bombarded by future requests from those charities!
Birthday Club
You can make monthly donations until your birthday and then pick a qualified non-profit that will get a present on your birthday!
Life of the Card Donation
Make monthly donations until your credit card expires and then pick a qualified non-profit to receive your one-time gift.
Current Acorn Accounts
Contribute to your own or anyone's Acorn Account.
Evergreen Charitable Trust
Help us in our mission to help individuals and organizations create charitable endowment funds.
Evergreen Distributions Made to Date: $2,521,266.70
Helping individuals and organizations create no-cost charitable endowment funds and creatively encouraging charitable giving.